City, town and village > Country England > Unitary authority Luton > Luton

Information on Luton

The Unitary authority of Luton is located in England. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Unitary authority hall of Luton at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Unitary authority hall office by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Luton Unitary authority COUNCIL

Luton council addressLutonCivic centre Luton
Town Hall George Street

Luton Bedfordshire LU1 2BQ
United Kingdom

Work+44 0158254600
Phone number of Luton council0158254600
International: +44 0158254600
Email of Luton councilLoading...
Official website of Luton
Opening hours of Luton councilMonday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm, Wednesday 10.00 am to 5.30 pm (visits) - Monday to Thursday 8.45 am to 5.30 pm, Friday 8.45 am to 5.00 pm (switchboard)
Mayor of LutonDon Worlding

Demography of Luton

Name of Luton inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population205 900 inhabitants62 / 44
Population density in Luton12 301,7 pop/sq mi (4 749,7 pop/km²)

Luton administrative numbers

Luton Unitary authority codeGB-LUT
Luton Unitary authority postcodeLU1 2BQ

Information on Luton

Cities twinned with Luton
France Bourgoin-JallieuGermany WolfsburgGermany Bergisch Gladbach
Germany Spandau (berlin)Sweden Eskilstuna
Natural parksLuton isn't part of a natural park

Toponymy and translation of Luton

Arabic: لوتنBulgarian: ЛутънPersian: لوتون
Armenian: ԼութոնJapanese: ルートンKorean: 루턴
Lithuanian: LutonasRussian: ЛутонUkrainian: Лутон
Chinese: 卢顿  

Transportation modes in Luton

Luton Airport 3.3 miles
Royal Air Force Northolt 24 miles
Wycombe Air Park 25.6 miles

Luton territory

Luton area16,74 sq mi (43,35 km²)
Luton altitude335 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.9
Longitude: -0.433333
Latitude: 51° 54' 0'' North
Longitude: 0° 25' 60'' West
Time zone
UTC +0:00 (Europe/London)
Summer time : UTC +1:00
Winter time : UTC +0:00
Local time

What is Luton close to?

Luton neighbouring municipalities
StreatleyNeighbouring townsLilley
CaddingtonCaddingtonKing's Walden
Luton neighbouring municipalities
Lilley 2.5 milesStreatley 2.8 milesCaddington 3.1 miles
Slip End 3.4 milesBarton-le-Clay 4 milesHexton 4.2 miles
Houghton Regis 4.3 milesDunstable 4.6 milesChalgrave 4.8 miles
Markyate 4.8 milesKensworth 5 milesHarlington 5 miles
King's Walden 5 milesToddington 5.6 milesPreston 5.7 miles
Flamstead 6 milesPirton 6 milesPulloxhill 6 miles
Westoning 6.1 milesTilsworth 6.1 milesTotternhoe 6.3 miles

Distance between Luton and other main cities and towns

London : 30 miles closestBirmingham : 74 milesLeeds : 139 miles
Glasgow : 315 milesSheffield : 111 milesBradford : 142 miles
Manchester : 132 milesEdinburgh : 301 milesBristol : 97 miles
Liverpool : 149 milesCardiff : 121 milesWakefield : 131 miles
Coventry : 58 milesWigan : 145 milesDudley : 82 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Luton surrounding area

No activities found in town Luton