City, town and village > Country England > Unitary authority Bath and North East Somerset > Keynsham

Information on Keynsham

The Town of Keynsham is located in England. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Town hall of Keynsham at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall office by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Keynsham Town COUNCIL

Keynsham council addressKeynshamCivic centre Keynsham
15-17 Temple Street

Keynsham, BS31 1HF
United Kingdom

Work+44 01179868683
Phone number of Keynsham council01179868683
International: +44 01179868683
Email of Keynsham councilLoading...
Official website of Keynsham
Opening hours of Keynsham council9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m, Monday to Friday or at other times by appointment
Mayor of KeynshamTim Bowles

Demography of Keynsham

Name of Keynsham inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population15 641 inhabitants457 / 509
Population density in KeynshamNot available

Information on Keynsham

Cities twinned with Keynsham
France Libourne
Natural parksKeynsham isn't part of a natural park

Transportation modes in Keynsham

Bristol Filton Airport 8.7 miles
Bristol Airport 10.1 miles
Royal Air Force Lyneham 22.4 miles

Keynsham territory

Keynsham areaNot available
Keynsham altitude98 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.41
Longitude: -2.49
Latitude: 51° 24' 36'' North
Longitude: 2° 29' 24'' West
Time zone
UTC +0:00 (Europe/London)
Summer time : UTC +1:00
Winter time : UTC +0:00
Local time

What is Keynsham close to?

Keynsham neighbouring municipalities
OldlandNeighbouring townsBitton
Compton DandoSaltfordSaltford
Keynsham neighbouring municipalities
Bitton 1.4 milesSaltford 1.5 milesOldland 1.9 miles
Compton Dando 2.2 milesCorston 2.6 milesKelston 2.7 miles
Hanham 2.8 milesWhitchurch 3 milesNewton St Loe 3.3 miles
Marksbury 3.5 milesKingswood 3.5 milesNorton Malreward 3.7 miles
Publow 3.8 milesChelwood 4.3 milesSiston 4.5 miles
Stanton Drew 4.8 milesDoynton 4.8 milesFarmborough 4.9 miles
Bristol 4.9 milesEnglishcombe 4.9 milesPriston 5.3 miles

Distance between Keynsham and other main cities and towns

London : 102 milesBirmingham : 78 milesLeeds : 170 miles
Glasgow : 316 milesSheffield : 143 milesBradford : 168 miles
Manchester : 143 milesEdinburgh : 315 milesBristol : 5 miles closest
Liverpool : 139 milesCardiff : 30 milesWakefield : 163 miles
Coventry : 81 milesWigan : 147 milesDudley : 78 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Keynsham surrounding area

No activities found in town Keynsham

Other information on the Town of Keynsham

Nuclear power plantOldbury Nuclear Power Station 27 mile
Berkeley Nuclear Power Station 31 mile
Hinkley Point C nuclear power station 50 mile